
Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Suess

Waiting for a train to go

or a bus to come, or a plane to go

or the mail to come, or the rain to go

or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow

or waiting around for a Yes or No

or waiting around for their hair to grow.

Everyone is just waiting.

Waiting for the fish to bite

or waiting for wind to fly a kite

or waiting around for Friday night

or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake

or a pot to boil, or a Better Break

or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants

or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.

Everyone is just waiting.
"Awakened from that dream again
You’re less than satisfied
Decide to close your eyes and give in
Embracing fear and reservation

Opened your mind only to feel it fade away again

I’ve had enough of this all common inference
Looking down on me from way up high
Finding answers though you’re losing innocence
Guess I’ll find a better way to lie…to myself

No one said this would be comfortable/You’ll find the answer to your questions
Without some lie up in the sky
Then one day you’ll look around enough
to step outside of your ambiguous circle

Opened your mind only to feel it fade away again

I’ve had enough of this all common inference
Looking down on me from way up high
Finding answers though you’re losing innocence
Guess I’ll find a better way to lie…to myself

Though you want this desperate belief
Your frequency now is coming down
If it’s spelled out just throw it away
Nothing’s ever easy anyway

Opened your mind enough to feel that calm come in again

I’ve had enough of this all common inference
Looking down on me from way up high
Finding answers though you’re losing innocence
Guess I’ll find a better…guess I’ll find a better…
Guess I’ll find a better way to lie…"

Music and Lyrics by Adam Monroe
Zâmbeşte atunci când:

mergi primăvara prin soare, încă păstrând culoarea închisă a iernilor in haine, şi simţi cum te învăluie şi copleşeşte căldura

mănânci struguri albi iar bătaia vântului îţi usucă degetele si palmele, făcându-le lipicioase şi dulci

savurezi o pirsică zemoasă ce parcă te inundă

plouă şi nu ai umbrelă... nu te grabeşti însă îi vezi pe toţi ceilalţi cum fug şi parcă se ascund

miroşi un trandafir mic, de dulceaţă, sau un bujor

asculţi valurile în scoicile mari, pline de mister

stai pe o plajă în nisipul bătut de apă, şi te afunzi în el cu fiecare val parcă

te dai în leagăn şi vezi cum cerul pleacă şi vine apoi înspre tine cu viteză

adormi în tren legănat de mişcările vagonului

îţi lipeşti nasul de un geam rece cu miros de nisip şi iarnă

luna străluceşte noaptea, cerul e aproape smarald închis, iar norii aurii pe margini

ninge tăcut, fulgii ţi se aştern pe gene, sclipind, ţi se topesc pe buze, şi faci primele urme pe o mare de zăpadă

luminile de far ale maşinilor joacă pe peretele tău, noaptea

soarele care intră pe geam îţi inundă camera la asfinţit

vezi doi porumbei curăţându-şi reciproc penele

iedera imbrăţişează casele vechi şi pereţii acestora

vezi răţuşte pe apă cum plutesc liniştit

îţi treci mâna prin blana caldă, care parcă pulsează, a unui câine, a unei pisici...

descoperi o melodie veche, iubită, pe care nu ai mai auzit-o demult şi simţi că parcă e din nou pentru prima data

(good advice should never suck but stick :P )

 Simple bps of advice

...do keep the door closed,
in case drought might sweep away the dinner.
and never talk to strangers…
unless you speak their language!

arrange your feelings alphabetically
and fight the taxi driver
over the key to rent-free dreams.
oh, recycle all wine batteries!

do not be greedy!, they told me
and choose the adequate exchange rate
for all mother-of-pearl buttons!

do not stumble, giggle, laugh or cry too much
or they will show you the white walls and give you
die Blechtrommel*…

dress appropriately and keep a diet
filled with fish: they always smile for free on plates!...

Two Tales                                            

I want a love to pay my dreams
in which I plunge with feather clouds
and spread fairy treasures.
Yet I return to roots of blaze,
imago and steel pleasures
for these are mere eternal bounds
which keep my soul in gleams.

You want a love to grow in seasons
like water lilies that leap in faiths
and bring the heaven's eye ahead
and multiply the doors of Eden.
No wonder if being an angel or Elysian dead…
It is your fulfilled dream, that slips
through rains and summer treasons.

These are two autumns never accounted,
the tales of those that mark the view,
play touch and go and draw the blue
that skies upon the world surrounded.

without fear of getting caught by time
in superlative


you hold my hand explaining how
this architect’s building appeared on national
geographically I am detached…

Could nearly count

I’m warming up,
my naked back still in the cloche.
I feel geometric, breaking in compasses
for the 24th time
without knowing how much I am left
until you…


...indeed I hold on words
to unwrap
the days that pass by,
while fronting at my board,
as we wait for all sax notes
to satisfy
the ravenous fingers
that blank out
all tomorrows...

how come


how come one is in love with wearing watches but one can never be on time? it's like wearing a blindfold when you're actually blind... 

Snow in the City by David Chambard

The town smokes all clouds
and chokes snowflakes…
Winds wave their tails
and dance on lapis-lazuli myths,
on streets, on faiths
like blessings
on me, on us
Sunday people.


"If we don't know how to answer, we are just no good. So little by little we become some kind of model machine able-to-answer-to-all-situations with all the necessary blindness as regards its own contradictions.[...] But under its dominating necessity, is it possible to keep alive in ourselves our most authentic and precious capacity, which is questioning" - Michel de Salzmann